Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's about Rabies Diseases

Rabies Virus
The word rabies comes from the Sanskrit rabhas, which means, "to do violence." Rabies is thought to be the oldest communicable disease of humans. Rabies also known as: hydrophobia or  lyssa (Old-World term)
it is an acute, central nervous system infection, characterized by CNS irritation, followed by paralysis and death.
Rabies, a member of the Rhabdovirus family, is caused by the virus Neurotropic lyssavirus.The virus is found in the salivary glands and CNS of infected, warm-blooded animals (including humans).
There are three vectors for rabies:
First is  the bite or scratch of an infected animal, which introduces the virus through the skin or mucous  membrane. Bites (vs. nonbite exposure) cause approximately 99% of rabies cases worldwide. Wild animals account for 70% of rabies cases in the U.S.. World-wide, rabid dogs cause most cases of the disease.
Second is aerosol transmission from an infected animal, usually a bat.
Third is tissue transplants (such as corneas) from infected humans. There have been at least 6 recorded cases of humans contracting the disease from transplants of corneas from infected donors.
Rabies symptom and sign 
How to prevent rabies diseases

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